Sebla B. Kutluay, Ph. D.
Principal Investigator
Associate Professor
Graduate Program Affiliations:
- Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
- Plant and Microbial Sciences
- Biochemistry
- Computational and Systems Biology
Office: Room 8220, McDonnell Pediatrics Research Building
Phone: 314-747-8908

Abhishek Kumar, Ph. D.
Staff Scientist
Abhishek is originally from India and joined our lab in 2022. Abhishek is investigating the rules that govern HIV-1 integrase binding to the viral genomic RNA and how this event regulates virion maturation. On a second project, Abhishek is working to indentify new host factors that regulate viral RNA export and translation.

Sanja Dokic, Ph. D.
Postdoctoral fellow
Sanja is originally from Serbia and joined our lab in 2023. Sanja is trying to identify how HIV-1 integration is regulated in different cell types.

Ming (Celine) Xia
DBBS Graduate Student (PMB Program)
Celine is originally from China and joined our lab in 2023. She will be working on understanding the dependence of HIV-1 integrase-genomic RNA interactions on other viral proteins.

Hung (Kyle) R. Vuong
DBBS Graduate Student (MMMP Program)
Kyle is from Kentucky, USA and joined our lab in 2019. Kyle is investigating the RNA-binding properties of numerous antiviral host proteins and ISGs. He is also figuring out cool ways by which retroviruses package their genomes selectively and only as a dimer. Kyle is the recipient of NSF graduate research fellowship and has been supported by an NIH training grant.

Jenna E. Eschbach
DBBS Graduate Student (PMB Program)
Jenna is originally from Illinois, USA and joined our lab in 2021. Jenna is investigating how the stability of the HIV-1 capsid lattice alters innate immune sensing of HIV-1. Jenna is the recipient of the departmental Sondra Schlesinger and the NIH F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Fellowships.

Qianzi Zhou
Bioinformatics Research Assistant
Qianzi is originally from China and joined our lab in 2023. She is developing data analysis pipelines for various NGS-based methods heavily utilized in the lab. Qianzi is a master of many languages including Kazakh! Her goal is to obtain a PhD in bioinformatics/computer science and wherever she ends up will be extremely lucky to have her.

Qibo Wang
Undergraduate research assistant
Qibo is originally from China and joined our lab as a full-time summer Wash U undergraduate student in 2023. Currently, Qibo is working with our senior graduate student, Kyle, on understanding the role of RNA cap methylation in HIV-1 infection and innate immunity. Qibo is the recipient of 2024 Wash U BioSURF fellowship.

Jacky Zhou
Undergraduate research assistant
Jacky is from China and joined our lab as a Wash U undergraduate research assistant in Spring 2024. Jacky is a recipient of the 2024 Wash U BioSURF fellowship.
This could be YOU!
Any position
Come talk to us about the possibility of joining the lab!

Michaela Madison (Research Technician): University of Missouri School of Veterinary Medicine.
Dana Townsend (Research Technician): Currently a research tech at University of Washington.
Jenna Eschbach (Research Technician): Graduate student at Washington University in STL.
Kasyap Tenneti (WashU Undergraduate Research Assistant/Research Technician): MD/PhD candidate at Rutgers University.
Jennifer Elliott (Graduate student-MMMP): Principal Scientist at GSK
Kacie Warshowsky (Research Technician): University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
Keanu Davis (Wash U Undergraduate Research Assistant/Research Technician): MD/PhD candidate at the Cornell Weill/Rockefeller U/MSK
Christian Shema Mugisha (Graduate student-MCB): Scientist at Novartis
Nakyung Lee (Bioinformatician): Graduate student at University of Maryland.
Yiqing (Mike) Wang (Bioinformatician): Graduate student at New York University.
Dana Q. Lawson (Research Associate)
Shawn Mohammed (Wash U Undergraduate Research Assistant/Research Technician): MD/PhD candidate at the University of Washington
Maritza Puray-Chavez (Postdoc/Staff Scientist): Investigator and Lecturer at San Marcos University, Peru